SECURING THE STATE, DEFENDING THE RELIGION: An Analysis of Boelan Sabit Newspaper Publications (December 1945-January 1946)

Muhammad Yuanda Zara


This article discusses how the narration of Islamic-ness and Indonesian-ness in the midst of the war of independence was represented in an Islamic newspaper called Boelan Sabit. The period under study is a month (December 15, 1945-January 14, 1946). Using the historical method, the research findings revealed that Boelan Sabit newspaper incessantly called for Indonesian Muslims to defend Indonesian independence from Dutch colonialism and British occupation based on both Islam and nationalism. The newspaper ensured its Muslim readers that the period of independence was a time to strengthen the two identities inherent in them, namely a son of Indonesia and a Muslim. In this regard, this newspaper took the legitimacy and inspiration in maintaining Indonesian independence from the Quran and other resources of Islamic teachings. In addition, Boelan Sabit newspaper encouraged Muslim readers to have broad knowledge concerning on affairs of state through publishing articles about modern state-related concepts, including deliberation, sovereignty, democracy, and dominion status. Further, this newspaper had a role in helping Indonesian Muslims to understand and accept their new identity after the second world war as a patriotic Indonesian citizen as well as a pious Muslim.


Islam; nationalism; Indonesian war of independence; Islamic press

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“Anggaran Dasar Gerakan Pemoeda Islam Indonesia”. Boelan Sabit, 29 December 1945.

“Anggaran Roemah Tangga Gerakan Pemoeda Islam Indonesia”. Boelan Sabit, 29 December 1945.

“Barisan Sabilillah”. Boelan Sabit, 10 January 1946.

“Boeah koersoes kilat”. Boelan Sabit, 10 January 1946.

Boelan Sabit, 15 December 1945.

“Boelan Sabit djadi pertjatoeran”. Boelan Sabit, 14 January 1946.

“Demokrasi”. Boelan Sabit, 15 December 1945.

“Djika”. Boelan Sabit, 7 January 1946.

“Fonds Sabilillah”. Boelan Sabit, 10 January 1946.

“Haloean kita: ‘Kedaulatan Rakjat’”. Boelan Sabit, 14 January 1946.

“Haloean kita: ‘koordinasi dan konsolidasi’”. Boelan Sabit, 7 January 1946.

“Kenang-kenangan bagi: Pahlawan A. BANANI-SIRADJ Hizboelloh”. Boelan Sabit, 21 December 1945.

“Kenang-kenangan bagi: Pahlawan Moeh. Solihan Hizboelloh”. Boelan Sabit, 2 January 1946.

“Kenang2an kepada Pahlawan jg telah sjahid”. Boelan Sabit, 2 January 1946.

“Latihan Barisan Sabilillah”. Boelan Sabit, 2 January 1946.

“Menebalkan semangat tjinta bangsa”. Boelan Sabit, 15 December 1945.

“Menoedjoe djalan kebahagiaan”. Boelan Sabit, 14 January 1946.

“Moe’tamar GPII di kota Bengawan”. Boelan Sabit, 26 December 1945.

“Oelama dan intellek bersatoelah oentoek menegakkan negara Repoeblik Indonesia”. Boelan Sabit, 26 December 1945.

“Perdjoeangan rakjat sebagai banteng ketaton”. Boelan Sabit, 26 December 1945.

“Rapat oemoem moe’tamar GPII”. Boelan Sabit, 29 December 1945.

“Revolusi dan Islam”. Boelan Sabit, 26 December 1945.

“Roeangan Pengetahoean dan Politik: ‘Dominion Status’ Arti dan Isinja”. Boelan Sabit, 2 January 1946.

“Roeangan Pengetahoean dan Politik: ‘Dominion Status’, Arti dan Isinja”. article 2, Boelan Sabit, 7 January 1946.

“Sepoeloeh Moeharom (‘Asjoero)”. Boelan Sabit, 15 December 1945.

“Soerat Insjiqoq”. Boelan Sabit, 26 December 1945.

“Tindjauan: Doenia terbakar lagi?”. Boelan Sabit, 15 December 1945.

DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2019.13.1.115-140


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Journal of Indonesian Islam (ISSN 1978-6301 and E-ISSN 2355-6994) is published by the Postgraduate Program (PPs) and the Institute for the Study of Religion and Society (LSAS), State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

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