FROM CONTROVERSY TO TOLERANCE: Dynamics of the Development of Istiqomah Mosque in Front of a Church in Ungaran Central Java Indonesia

Muh Saerozi


This study aims to reveal the dynamic of the development of a mosque in front of a church: the case study of Istiqomah Mosque of Ungaran. The dynamics of the development is seen from some factors that encouraged the establishment of the mosque, the phenomenon of controversy, the problem solution, and the development of tolerance model. The study uses a historical-qualitative approach. The primary data are gathered from interviews, documentation, and observation. The purposes of building the mosque were to balance the national development, to prevent the influence of the Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI, Indonesian Communist Party), and to create a symbol of tolerance. Controversy occurred in the process of construction because some political and religious elites considered the mosque as political Islam. The controversy waned after the New Order’s elites supported the construction of the mosque. The implementation of a moderate Islamic principles influenced the mosque in building tolerance to the Kristus Raja church in front of it.


Istiqomah Mosque; Kristus Raja Church; tolerance; Moderate Islam; the New Order regime

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Interview with Ahmad Thoha. Youth activist of the Istiqomah mosque in the ‘90s. He is also a chairman of the Istiqomah Foundation.

Interview with Endro Utomo, Youth activist of the Istiqomah mosque in the ‘80s.

Interview with Latif, Itiqomah Mosque’s operational officer since 1987 until now.

Interview with Mas’an Karno, Secretary I of the Istiqomah mosque’s committee of the construction.

Interview with Mastur Irfan, Former secretary deputy of Golkar in the early of the ‘80s.

Interview with Mohammad Ridwan, One of the founders of the Istiqomah foundation. He is now the Imam of Istiqomah Mosque.

Interview with Nurul Fadlilah, Reciter of the verse of the Holy Qur’an at the inauguration of Istiqomah mosque.

Interview with Soesmono Martosiswojo, Former Regent of Semarang, ex-officio chairman of Istiqomah Foundation period 1979-1985

Interview with Sarjono, Former Junior High School teacher of the Regional Government (Pemda) in Ungaran in the ‘70s.

Interview with Soepeno Hadi, One of the Istiqomah mosque’s committee of the construction.

Interview with Tatik Koesnadi, Former teacher and head of the State Junior High School in the ‘70s in Ungaran

Interview with Toni Irianto, Youth activist of Istiqomah mosque in the ‘80s.

Interview with Yasin Anwar, Public figure in Ungaran.

Interview with Zaenal Abidin, Recent chairman of Takmir of Istiqomah mosque. Former employee of Plantation of Central Java Province.

Archives and Inscriptions

Notarial Deed of the establishment of Istiqomah Foundation, Notary H. Pandji Surya SH., Notary in Semarang Jalan Let. Jend. M.T. Haryono No. 515, Copy, dated September 28, 1978, Number 6.

Notarial Deed of the Istiqomah Foundation, Notary Achmad Dimyati, S.H. In Ambarawa Kab. Semarang dated February 1, 1989.

Notarial Deed No. 55 dated December 29, 2015, drawn up by notary Rika Budi Antawati, SH., M.Kn.

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Main Book of Raudhatul Athfal/Bustanul Athfal and Perwanida II / Istiqomah Kindergarten of Ungaran year 1999/ 2000.

Book of the Istiqomah Islamic School Monthly Report in 1999/2000.

Main book of Istiqomah Kindergarten and Elementary School in 1991/1992.

Main book of Islamic Istiqomah Elementary School in 1991/1992.

Inscription of the inauguration of Istiqomah Mosque.

DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2017.11.2.423-458


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