Zakiyuddin Baidhawy


This study is aimed at exploring Muhammadiyah theological stand on disaster; its role and strategies in disaster management and mitigation. The ways in involving others and partnering with multiple stakeholders nationally and internationally also will be pictured. This study will show several things: First, Muhammadiyah perceives disaster in a positive way. As a consequence, it promotes awareness and on the importance of environment protection and management of risk and vulnerability. Second, Muhammadiyah establishes Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) that focuses on organizing relief initiatives and disaster recovery which include mitigation and disaster anticipation trough Sekolah Siaga Bencana (Disaster-Prepared School) and Rumah Sakit Siaga Bencana (Disaster-Prepared Hospital). Third, Muham­ma­diyah works are guided by al-Ma‘un theology and prin­ciples of universal humanism (al-nas), mutual recognition and understanding (ta‘aruf), mutual assistance (ta‘awun), and fulfilment of the rights of the survivors. Muhammadiyah works with various parties of communities at local, national, and international level. Muhammadiyah is able to escape missionary (da‘wa) trap and provide relief to all victims and survivors in a non-discriminatory manner.


Disaster management; mitigation; faith based organization; Muhammadiyah

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DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2015.9.2.167-194


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