Wiwik Setiyani


Traditional authority is still the main reference as represented by the Kiai Kampung. Intense communication with the community and moral superiority and examples in solving various community problems are parts of how the Kiai Kampungs hold, maintain, and exercise their traditional authority. This article seeks to explain the authority of the Kiai Kampungs in Ngawi East Java and their role in developing and socially constructing local Islam in Java. The method used refers to historical-sociological studies with a phenomenological approach. This study reveales that the Kiai Kampungs have socially constructed local Islam based on the results of their thought and study authoritatively. Local Islam is a manifestation of an Islamic development model that accommodates local wisdom. Kiai Kampungs are referred to as "charismatic leaders" who have remarkable power to socially determine local Islam in the Kiai's perspective. In certain degree of analysis, the role of the Kiai Kampung indirectly has the potential to color the growth and development of global Islam.


Authority of kiai; social consrtuction; local Islam

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List of interviews:

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Interview with Agus, Ngawi, 25 March 2019.

Interview with Jarwati, Ngawi, 15 March 2019.

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Interview with Sri Muryati, Ngawi, 20 March 2019.

Interview with Khudhori, Ngawi, 21 March 2019.

Interview with Zaini, Ngawi, 23 March 2019.

Interview with Miskan, Ngawi, 28 March 2019.

DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2020.14.1.51-76


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