Sukiati Sukiati


This paper discusses the thought and contribution of an Indonesian legal thinker, Hazairin, to the Indonesian legal system. It shows that Hazairin’s dynamic contribution lies not only in his revolutionary reform but also in his ability to influence the policy makers in drawing the legal products. Standing against the might of the colonial legal legacy, Hazairin was insistent in his position that Islamic law should be regarded as one of the sources for national legal system. This is despite the fact that he is the product of the Western educational system. His ideas are a kind of an intermingling spot between Islamic law, adat law and—to some extent—Western law. These issues will be exposed by relating to the circumstances that shape his ideas, and the social structure as well as the characteristics of the adat laws. Of particular interest is to pay attention to his socio-anthropological interpretation of the Qur’ān, which is aimed at showing its compatibility with society’s needs.


Legal reform; adat law; shari‘ah

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DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2012.6.1.93-124


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