Nashuddin Nashuddin


Known as “island of thousand mosques”, Lombok is increasingly becoming one of the most popular domestic and international tourist destinations in Indonesia. This gives the island ample opportunities to manage and develop its potentials of tourism. However, the way the local government takes up the chance tends to neglect one important aspect of tourism, namely spiritual tourism, a sort of tourism that explores some sacred places or spiritual journey. This article describes three axes of spiritual tourism in Lombok and examines their current state of being as a tourist destination and their challenges to development. This article argues that safety, cleanness and lack of public facilities constitute the main problems of spiritual tourism in Lombok. The problems lay not only on the unsystematic approach of local government policy but also visitors’ attitudes of environment preservation, especially among local and domestic tourists. The local government, local community and their leaders must work hand in hand to tackle the problems and rebrand spiritual tourism as popular tourism so it attracts more visitors to come.


Lombok island; spiritual tourism; Muslim graves; local government

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DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2016.10.2.213-236


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