FROM POWER TO CULTURAL LANDSCAPES: Rewriting History of Shi‘ah in Aceh

Kamaruzzaman Bustamam-Ahmad


This article aims to re-examine the history of Shi‘ah in Aceh by looking at the influence of Persian in Acehnese political and cultural landscapes of the society. There have been many studies on presence of Shi‘ah in Aceh by local, national, and international scholars. However, there is still gap among scholars about the coming of Shi‘ah and it influence in the province, due to the influence of Persian traditions. Through socio-historical and socio-anthropological approaches, this study describes the roots and influence of Persian in history of Aceh. This is to say it is necessary to look at how the impact on Persian in Acehnese society. It is also argued that the presence of Shiah in Aceh in contemporary era has led to cultural rather than politic and theology. However, because of conflict between Sunni and Shi‘ah in Middle East, issue on anti-Shi‘ah gives serious impact to religious life in the province.


Persian; Shi‘ah; Ahl al-Bayt Aceh; history; culture; Peureulak

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DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2017.11.2.509-530


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