The Awareness of Islamic Law as a Spiritual Factor in Family Resilience and Parenting Quality During the Covid-19 Era

Asrorun Niam Sholeh, Nopriadi Saputra, Adler Haymans Manurung


As a global pandemic which has led to economic and mental health crises, Covid-19 demands resilience in every scope of social systems. This article attempts to examine the resilience of family as the smallest social system and assess the impacts of Islamic law awareness and other factors in family resilience and parenting quality. This article is based on a quantitative and cross-sectional study which involved 296 young people and families as respondents from all-over Indonesia. The study reveals that family resilience is influenced by parenting quality, awareness of Islamic law, and personal financial management. The parenting quality is affected by psychological maturity and personal financial management. In addition, raising awareness of Islamic law among young people and families may strengthen family resilience during the Covid-19 crisis. The capability of parents, especially fathers, as family leaders to transform spiritual-religious activities to enhance family resilience is a strategic issue.


Islamic law; Family Resilience; Parenting Quality; Psychological Maturity

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DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2021.15.2.329-358


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