HIDĀYAH AS A SOCIAL REALITY: The Dynamics of Religiosity Among Muslim Professionals in Surabaya

Rr. Suhartini


This paper examines the perceptions and experiences of Muslim professionals in Surabaya regarding hidāyah (guidance). The descriptive-qualitative method with a phenomenological approach is used to describe the experiences of Muslim professionals concerning the social reality of hidāyah in their life. The findings of this paper suggest that the innate “hidāyah of religion (hidāyat al-dīn)” from childhood develops in collaboration with the “hidāyah of intellect (hidāyat al-'aql)” dynamically. In this case, the findings further maintain, the interaction of “religious hidāyah” and ‘aql is affected by the presence of preachers who have various religious educational backgrounds and the availability of religious contents developed through communication and information technology. Thus, the concept of hidāyah is an open sphere that is continuously discussed by Muslim professionals in order for them to be trustworthy, honest, and responsible persons. Above all, the paper finds that the guidance of religion and the admonition of reason are intertwined in determining the social actions of Muslim professionals in their life.


Dinamics of religiosity; Muslim professionals; hidāyah; social reality

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List of Interviews:

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DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2020.14.1.248-259


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Journal of Indonesian Islam (ISSN 1978-6301 and E-ISSN 2355-6994) is published by the Postgraduate Program (PPs) and the Institute for the Study of Religion and Society (LSAS), State Islamic University (UIN) of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

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