Yulia Nasrul Latifi


This article reviews the novel 'AdhrÄ' JÄkartÄ (Jakartanese Girl) by NajÄ«b al-KylÄnÄ«. Through the approach of feminist literary criticism and the hermeneutic `method it’s aimed to express the autonomy of Indonesian Islamic women within the novel by interpreting the structure of symbols or texts in a number of language signs in the literary system. The results of the analysis revealed that the character of FÄá¹­imah is a symbol which represents the concept of autonomy of Indonesian Islamic women in the public and domestic sphere due to the universal and cosmopolitan Islamic values that FÄá¹­imah implements in personal, social, national, and civil life. This universal and cosmopolitan Islam illustrates an Islamic paradigm offered by the author to be translated into a unity in diversity of Indonesian context, so as to be able to present the figure of an autonomous Indonesian Muslim woman in a pluralistic and elastic Indonesian context.


'Adhrā' Jākartā; Indonesian Islamic women; feminist literary criticism; hermeneutics; communism

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DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2021.15.1.103-128


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