REINTERPRETATION OF WOMEN’S DOMESTIC ROLES: Saleh Darat’s Thought on Strengthening Women’s Roles in Indonesia

Sri Suhandjati, Hamdan Hadi Kusuma


Roles of women in relation to domestic and public life are one of gender issues in many societies including Javanese people. Nevertheless, there are indeed figures who fought for improving women status are from java among them are Kartini and her teacher, a male ‘Ulama named Saleh Darat. Saleh Darat offered a new perspective regarding women’s roles in his book, Majmu‘at. He, in contrast to common views, granted domestic works high value and signified them with spiritual meaning so that women can also be elevated in status. In addition, he also promoted the right of women for education as well as the importance of women taking part in economic activities. Furthermore, he tried to integrate Javanese culture and the condition at the time, Dutch colonialism and its impact, in to his prescription. Therefore, some of his views might sound quite conservative in today’s context but actually very progressive given the time and condition at the era of his life


Saleh Darat; domestic role; spiritual value; economic activity

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DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2018.12.2.195-218


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