Mokhamad Zainal Anwar, Fathan Fathan, Warto Warto, Okta Nurul Hidayati


This article studies the transformation of economic theology indicated by the present of financial service access provided by the government to the lower-class society, particularly those living around pesantren. They so far find difficulty in accessing financial service as they are faced with the requirement of collateral and high interest rate. Responding to such condition, Indonesian government develops micro-sharia financial institution called pesantren-based Bank Wakaf Mikro (BWM). This institution has developed and reached many lower-class people with affordable loan scheme in the last five years. Uniquely, this institution not only provides financial loan but also contains theological and Islamic economic education dimensions through weekly halaqah (study circle) activity. This halaqah becomes a place where the customers of BWM attend pengajian (communal Quran study) held by BWM and perform dhikr (remembering Allah by saying laa ilaha illaallah). Through observation and interview, the author studied the vision of pesantren­-based BWM founder, strategy and activities conducted and economic theological transformation in the frame of lower-class community empowerment. This research contributes to encouraging the solidarity-based economic activities in the context of Islamic economic theology.


Pesantren; economic theology; empowerment; bank wakaf mikro

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DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2023.17.1.76-99


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