Ahmad Bahtiar, Herman J. Waluyo, Sarwiji Suwandi, Budhi Setiawan


The Hajj pilgrimage is a fundamental component of Islam and represents both societal harmony and profound spiritual value. This study delves into the rich tapestry of social and cultural dimensions surrounding the Hajj journey during the colonial era. The study examines four contemporary Indonesian novels that were published prior to the country’s independence: Tjerita Nyai Dasima (G. Francis, 1896), Hikayat Siti Mariah (Haji Mukti 1910-1912), Di Bawah Lindungan Kabah (Hamka, 1938), and Percobaan Setia (Suman Hs, 1931). These novels highlight the various motivations people have for making the sacred pilgrimage, such as the desire for forgiveness or the removal of sins, the desire to rise in social status, and the desire to identify as hajj pilgrims. The research also highlights the social and cultural facets of the hajj pilgrimage, beginning with the planning, implementation, and returning from the hajj experiences. Through examining the subtle social and cultural nuances present in these stories, this study aims to enhance our comprehension of the Hajj journey as a phenomenon that fundamentally alters society.


Hajj; colonial era; literary works; content analysis; Indonesian novel

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DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2023.17.2.283-299


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