CRITICAL THINKING AND RELIGIOUS MODERATION: Instilling Religiously Moderate Values through the Teaching of Islamic Philosophy in Indonesia

Yusuf Rahman, Kholid Al Walid, Humaidi Humaidi


This study aims to prove that Islamic philosophy can present alternatives to overcome intolerance, radica­lism, and extremism in Indonesia. This suggests that the teaching of Islamic philosophy in the country has succeeded in changing student perspective and mindset which tends to be closed-minded, exclusive, and extreme in nature in seeing differences in religions, sects, and beliefs to be open-minded, inclusive and moderate. With rational, critical and comprehensive teachings, students and alumni from the Islamic Theology and Philosophy (ITP) study programs have a more positive attitude in understanding plurality and diversity. Such change in mindset and attitude results from a curriculum design which offers moderate values, critical-dialectical teaching methods, and direct experiences in diversity. This study uses field research with qualitative technique and applies purposive sampling with snowballing technique to decide the study subjects. To collect the primary data, the data collecting-instruments include in-depth interviews with 28 resource persons comprising of lecturers, students and alumni in 5 ITP study programs in Indonesia, field observation and literature.


Islamic philosophy; religious moderation; open-mind; critical thinking

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DOI: 10.15642/JIIS.2022.16.1.49-74


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